
FAQ Daycares

We're here to answer the questions and address concerns from daycares.
Modernize the traditional way of providing licensed daycare services by addressing the dynamic work hours and ever-changing lifestyle choices of today’s parents.

This is 100% up to you! You get to choose how often you list available spots at your daycare, whether that means a few times a week, or only once a month. You can also choose to approve of each individual booking, prior to the parent receiving confirmation. Before long, you’ll have a loyal following of frequent visitors.

Kinderdrop takes care of the administrative work for you. Every account is reconciled on a monthly basis. For each registration through our app, we will take a set percentage of your listing price as our platform fee. You may choose either e-transfer, or cheques as your preferred payment method.
When you register your daycare through Kinderdrop, you can add any necessary forms to your profile. These documents will be sent to parents via email upon confirmation of booking. A step-by-step guide to this can be found here: Updating Parent Forms.
Kinderdrop requires parents to create a profile for their child, including all necessary information you may need. When a booking is confirmed at your daycare, you will have access to the child’s profile, including all the information the parent provided.
We have a cancellation policy that states that parents can cancel up to 48 hours prior to their booking without any penalty. Between 24 and 48 hours, they will be charged 50% of their booking fee. If the cancellation is within 24 hours of the booking, the parent will not be refunded.
We screen all of our daycare providers so that your child gets the best care possible and you get peace of mind. Every daycare that you find on Kinderdrop is licensed by the governing body and/or local authority, insured, and successfully went through our rigorous screening process (covering environment, staffing, activities, food policies, and insurance) to ensure your childcare needs are covered!
A daycare registration package and form will be sent to you along with the confirmation email. Please ensure that the forms are completed prior to the booking date. This will ensure a smoother drop off on your day of booking.
Download the Kinderdrop app available on both iOS and Android and create a profile for you and your child. Select your daycare and book a slot on the desired date. Once the booking is confirmed, parents will receive booking information and registration forms from the daycare via email. We also encourage parents to attend a daycare’s open-house event if possible.
Bookings cancelled more than 48 hours prior do not incur any penalty. Between 24 and 48 hours, you will receive a refund of 50% of the total cost minus the booking fee. If the cancellation is within 24 hours of the booking, there is no refund.
Kinderdrop aims to serve all childcare booking needs. Kinderdrop does not charge a premium fee for last minute bookings.
Most daycares prepare for several dietary restrictions including allergies. Please include this information on your child’s Kinderdrop profile. When you book a spot at a daycare, the child care provider will have access to this information in order to better accommodate your child.
You can find daycares that are experienced with special needs using the filter on the Kinderdrop app. Parents can also properly communicate their child’s special needs on the daycare’s registration form and Kinderdrop’s child profile.
Kinderdrop accepts all major credit cards through the app. All payments occur in the app upon the confirmation of your booking.
We take the health and safety of the children very seriously and all daycare centers will be required to follow strict guidelines set by public health officials to ensure that your child is healthy and safe. Extensive safety protocols will be enforced within each daycare center to create the best child care environment. When booking a spot for the first time at a new daycare, the daycare center’s COVID safety policies and link will be sent to the parents along with the confirmation email. In the case of a COVID-19 outbreak, the daycare center will be temporarily removed from Kinderdrop’s app. If your child is unable to attend the previously confirmed spot due to the COVID outbreak at the daycare center, a full refund will be issued back to you.