The daycare industry is typically very traditional, with little reliance on technology to deliver quality service to parents. However, there are many aspects of day-to-day operations that can benefit from technology. Here are some examples that range from general organization to innovative success tools.
Proprietary business communication platform (Microsoft Teams)
These help streamline communication between co-workers and management and helps organize information, ensuring the appropriate people get the correct information. It keeps employees in the loop on relevant information and even sends notifications to their phones. From this description, it may be difficult to visualize the platform in action so I recommend trying one for yourself. Some intuitive options include Microsoft teams.
Wix has made it easy for anyone to make a beautiful website. Using their service, you can upgrade your website if it’s shabby at the moment. It also introduces intuitive options to editing information on the site so you don’t have to go to the party that originally set up the domain for help.
Newsletters are a key form of communication between parents and daycares and this process can be simplified using Mailchimp. Mailchimp is a service that allows users to send automated professional emails to subscribers which can make sending newsletters intuitive and easy.
Daycares often experience cancellations such as illnesses or vacation time that lead to temporary vacant spots. Kinderdrop is a new technology platform that allows daycares to sell short-term limited spots in a marketplace for parents looking for last-minute childcare. For more info, check out!
With businesses incorporating more technology as time goes on, daycares would benefit from following along. Embracing change will help daycares adapt to the future.